Tuesday 16 October 2018

Liverpool Life Sciences UTC, we thank you!

A massive thank you to all the staff and students at Liverpool Life Sciences UTC for hosting me and other Allied Health Professionals today while we promote our professions.

It was really interesting (but not surprising) to see that only a handful of students had heard of Orthoptics. Many (including a fellow AHP) confused Orthoptics with Optometry. But that’s ok, this is why we come together for events like these, to learn from each other. I definitely learned a LOT about the wonderful work that the rest of the AHP workforce does.

Medicine was high on the agenda for some students planning their future careers. Hopefully today has given them food for thought and more of an insight into the range of careers available to them in health care. As reported in a recent BBC article addressing the career aspirations of 16 year olds, “You can’t be it if you can’t see it!”
We certainly confirmed that today...

The reality is that we have to promote our profession so future generations have the opportunity to walk in our footsteps.

Thank you to Joe Smith who talked to students about the course, university life and the BIOS preceptorship programme (we await your blog when you get back from your well deserved holiday :) All about the work life balance!!) 

We look forward to the next careers event.

If you would like to promote Orthoptics to a school in your local area, sign up to inspiring the future


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