Monday 15 October 2018

Happy AHP Day

Finding my perfect career wasn’t a journey without bumps in the road. After many U-turns, I found Orthoptics!
Immediately I was fascinated by the science behind the eyes.  I didn’t have to wait long to put my knowledge into practice and found myself transforming lives very early into the course during clinical placements.
After qualifying and securing my first job it was quickly evident that, although now a skilled autonomous practitioner, my decisions were valued as a member of a wider disciplinary team. A rewarding profession in so many ways!

Here comes the big but… 
Orthoptics still remains a poorly recognised option for teenagers ready to set out on their own career journey. This has led to Orthoptics becoming a vulnerable profession.

“I See the Difference” is a campaign funded by the Office for Students as part of the Strategic Interventions in Health Education Disciplines (SIHED) programme (
The SIHED programme is a £3 million, three-year initiative to help raise awareness of allied health disciplines, and in particular strengthen the sustainability of four smaller professions, one of which is Orthoptics. It focuses on activities to support recruitment to and delivery of these disciplines, and to increase understanding of the student market for health. As part of this programme a post became available to develop links between  the Universities and NHS Trusts to facilitate quality work experience placements for anyone who is seeking employment in health care.  I felt I could hopefully make a difference, and so I put myself forward for (what I know now) a mammoth task! That is why I’m asking for colleagues, past and present, undergraduates and... well basically everyone who hears my plea, to spread the word about our amazing profession.
(see social media and upcoming PV for social media assets that are available to share)

So how fitting that on our first ever AHPs Day that we have come together for the first SIHED stakeholder meeting, to share our ideas for the future to make it a bright one :)

What are you doing today to celebrate Orthoptics?
Share your efforts far and wide #AHPsDay and tag BIOS in!

Happy AHPs Day

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