Wednesday 29 January 2020

Orthoptists are improving lives every day

Patient stories are really important to show the impact orthoptists have on people’s lives. Strabismus can effect self esteem in patients of all ages. Patients report avoiding social situations and even job interviews. Read Leanne’s story here...

“During my younger years I was quite oblivious to how much my eye turned in, but once I got to high school age the other children made it very clear that I looked different.
The name calling began, I was called ‘boc eye’ and ‘gozzy’ to name a few.  I became quiet and kept myself to myself.  I remember growing a fringe and trying to use my hairstyle to keep my eye covered.  It absolutely affected my confidence during my school years. I was referred to an Orthoptic clinic where I had tests to measure the position of my eye and check if I could use my eyes together. At 15 I had my corrective squint surgery and even with the blood shot eye I instantly felt better and once the eye had healed I really did feel like a different person. Without the orthoptists and the ophthalmologist who did my operation, I feel that I would not have got a job as cabin crew when I left school and had the confidence to do all the amazing things I have done in my life.  I would not  be the person I am today.  Every child with a squint should have the opportunity to feel the same way I felt the day I had my operation.  Being an orthoptist must be a very rewarding job!”

Leanne has shared a baby photo and how she looks today. She is confident and happy and this is one reason why we love our job (we have many reasons).

Thank you Leanne for sharing your story.

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